Sophie, Soul crushing loneliness to joy in solitude!

Sophie works a full time job in a high pressure environment.  There are often challenges to meet targets at work, which she meets and exceeds.  At home Sophie is a single mum to six; three adults and three younger children.  Balancing all this was leading her to distract away from her feelings.

Sophie had been living in her house, a family home, with her children for the last two years.  During those two years she’d found it very difficult to create the boundaries she needed with her ex-partner.

She found herself in cycles of great sadness and anxiety.  She would often distract herself by getting into relationships which would leave her feeling rejected and abandoned.

“I Couldn’t see the cycles of self-sabotage, I just couldn’t see itSophie

Sophie was able to begin observing and acknowledging that she was self-sabotaging.  She was also able to see where her loneliness was drawing her into trauma bond cycles with partners, which only ended in tears.

The validation and rejection cycle was devastating

 Sophie had addictions to moving from one destructive relationship to another destructive relationship in a cycle of pain.  A form of self-sabotage to relieve her from the feelings of loneliness.

Sophie also found herself in a position where she was smoking 35 cigarettes a day and bingeing with food and alcohol.

“I didn’t know who I was” Sophie

Sophie noticed that she had become almost completely disassociated from herself.  She didn’t feel whole and didn’t know what her true self was anymore or how to begin making contact with it.  Her relationship with her husband, who was asked to leave the family home two years before, had left a detrimental effect on her.

“I decided enough is enough. But didn’t know where to start and reached out to Elios.” Sophie

The house that Sophie was living in with her children didn’t feel like it was truly hers. There was always the shadow of her past relationship in every room of the house.  When she sat in the lounge she just couldn’t relax so she was always in a state of hypervigilance.  The memories of what had happened there left an energetic imprint.

With no other strategies to connect with her emotions or soothe her being she found herself distracting from her feelings with food and alcohol, cigarettes and destructive text communications with men.

Sophie began to feel changes during the program.  As Sophie continued work on her inner-world, she began to feel more whole in herself; she was able to begin to make changes to the physical world.  She purged her bedroom of everything that was left which reminded her of her ex-husband.  She still had some of his clothes and affairs to give back and clear.

By connecting in with her inner-child she was able to bring love and presence to herself and begin the process of reparenting herself, acknowledging that she’s never really truly been heard and that’s what she had been seeking.

“I just didn’t feel like I could breathe anymore” Sophie

By practicing breathwork for self-healing Sophie was able to find ways to calm herself without letting angry takeover or needing to soothe.  She was able to almost completely give up smoking by the end of the programme.

Rather than self-soothing on a constant rollercoaster of self-destructive patterns Sophie was able to begin to understand herself and create knew beliefs this supported her growth.

“I just feel so much love, I feel so much joy in this present moment, this is amazing” Sophie

Sophie was able to acknowledge and witness her inner-critic, which enabled her to be less caught up in her mind chatter and to connect with her feelings.  She was moving into a new state of being.

Sophie began to really listen to what she was saying to herself

Work has changed dramatically. After seven years without recognition or payrise, Sophie was able to ask for what she wanted. To speak her truth. She was, promoted, given a ay rise and acknowledged. Her work feels balanced and rewarding.

Sophie is now able to self-manage and be happy alone rather than constantly trying to seek to fill a hole of loneliness within her being.  The conscious connected breathwork held within a safe container, meant that Sophie released and integrated long held tension from past trauma.

The breathwork and guidance are amazing, I feel so clear” Sophie

 “I had a feeling that there was a curse leaving me.  A heavy weight lifted.  It was like saying goodbye to rejection.  I felt every part of the heavy feeling and then it was released.  It’s gone now.  It’s so hard to explain the feeling.  I feel so light.” Sophie

In a free consultation you can understand what is possible for you.

(Edit 3-month update: Sophie has entered into a new and balanced relationship)