Your breath is the key to getting out of your mind and into the present moment. It forms the cornerstone of Holistic Shadow Work for good reason. Breath holding, gasping and shallow breathing can all indicate dysfunction and should be addressed immediately.
You will learn techniques to release stored tension, reduce stress, and enhance emotional well-being. Discover deeper self-awareness, allowing you to connect with your inner self and unlock your true potential. Experience the life-changing benefits of breathwork and embrace a journey towards holistic well-being.
- Rest, recover and rejuvenate
- Decrease inflammation
- Increase immunity
- Calm the effect of adrenaline spikes
- Sleep longer, deeper and sounder
“I was sceptical about breathwork. I’m now convinced” Bev.K, Southsea
Do you tell yourself “My mind is too busy to meditate”? Overactive thinking and self-critical dialogues in the mind can be devastating. They drive internal conflict and regret for past actions and events. The catastrophic mind can be unrelenting.
Stopping the mind chatter takes practice but these techniques have a simple step-by-step process to bring peace of mind. Holistic Shadow Work includes two main approaches to meditation. The traditional and a unique guided practice to connect with the subconscious.
Discover how meditation can transform your mental state and bring lasting tranquillity.
- Incorporated easily into a busy life
- Observe anger and anxiety rather than be overwhelmed
- Feel centred
“I feel hugely different and amazed I don’t need any drugs {pharmaceutical anti-depressants} I was feeling very anxious and stressed and felt the drugs were needed. I’m astonished that the meditation and breathwork are so powerful.” Ollie.R, Online Client
Shadow Work
Shadow work isn’t ominous or about dark energies or entities. Shadow work is guided introspection to shed light on elements of the subconscious. Focused personalised introspective practices allow you to reprogram your subconscious and beliefs to manifest a new reality.
And through this journey, you will find freedom and a deeper connection to your true self. Introspection weaves breathing and meditation together to unlock self-nurture, self-love and better relationships.
- Stop self-criticising and step into self-love
- Cease wasting energy needlessly on judgement
- Quit bad habits and change them into good ones
- Breakthrough procrastination and blockages and take action
“The weekends used to be awful I felt so lonely. The connected breathwork sessions have been amazing, I feel so centred and powerful. The overwhelming loneliness has disappeared. I’m no longer trapped in my own head.” Nicole.J, Southsea
Through Holistic Shadow Work you can find: self-care, self-nurture and ultimately self-love.
Plus the capacity to give and receive that love from others. To find open and loving relationships.
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